This guy is a bandit who isn't a bad guy, I like him.
This guy is a bandit who isn't a bad guy, I like him.
This show deserved better from Disney, but unfortunately Disney do be Disney, also great art.
Very pleasant to look at, it even got some tears out of my eyes and gave me a feeling of hope, it is quite fascinating when you look at a beautiful shot of nature with a sunset, it makes you feel better and puts the stress to the side, it's what many people should need.
Literally the greatest art peice I've seen, this needs to be put in an art museum.
Great art, Gwimbly was such a classic.
Sony should bring a new Vib Ribbon game, and I love this art.
Man weighs over 65,5035 and yet he can leap, also lovely art.
Just some artist who has Zorak as pfp or banner at times because mantis. (Won’t be your friend online)
Age 18, Male
308 negra arroyo Ln. Albu
Joined on 4/23/24